100 Feet of 28AWG Red or Black wire for Tiny Whoop LED mods! 100 FEET!!! Like, goodness sakes, you gotta ask yourself... what do you need this for? Seriously how many Whoops are you making custom LED mods for? You are a LED ANIMAL! If you make an LED project that needs this much high-qual wire and you don't post pics and tag me, i'm gonna be mad!
This military-grade connection wire is perfect for custom Tiny Whoop led mods. It's easy to solder, very high quality, high conductivity for its size, and is my go-to wire for custom led mods on Tiny Whoops. I use a glue like e6000 or Welder to hold it on to the frame, with some little wooden application clips.
This wire has a slim jacket of thermoplastic that gives it a total diameter of 0.021 inches, yet it is fully capable of handling up to 36 volts of power at 5 amps. This is "OFHC" (oxygen-free high-conductivity copper wire), and you'll find it to be flexible and aprasion-resistant wire.
Need the perfect tool to strip this wire?